B.U.G.S Transform The City, NOW!

Join our rebel gardening initiative in Frankfurt Oder and create urban pollinator paradises to enhance biodiversity.

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

Why B.U.G.S. Matters

  • A Healthier Ecosystem: More pollinators like bees and butterflies means a healthy ecosystem and a more secure food source.

  • Beautiful Green Spaces: Our gardens beautify the city and provide vital habitats for wildlife.

  • Empowering Our Community: We create gardens together, fostering social connection and a sense of ownership.

  • Taking Responsibility for the Future: B.U.G.S. inspires residents to take action for a greener and more sustainable future.

Join the Movement!

B.U.G.S. offers a variety of ways to get involved:

  • Planting Events: Help us plant trees, bushes, and wildflowers in different locations around the city.

  • Seed Bomb Workshops: Learn how to make seed bombs to scatter wildflowers in neglected areas.

  • Watering Routines: During hot weather, help us ensure our new plants thrive by watering them regularly.

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory


Changing Urban Areas,

One Seed at a Time

The Rebel Gardening Initiative is a community-powered project creating a more sustainable and pollinator-friendly city. We work with residents to plant edible bushes, fruit trees, and wildflowers in parks, streets, and neglected areas.

We are committed to creating an inclusive environment.

Our events are free and open to all, regardless of ability, background, or identity.

Watering Bushes & Trees
boy in black and white long sleeve shirt standing beside gray metal watering can during daytime
boy in black and white long sleeve shirt standing beside gray metal watering can during daytime
green leafed seedlings on black plastic pots
green leafed seedlings on black plastic pots
person holding brown and black frog
person holding brown and black frog

Help us with:

Making Seedlings
Planting Wildflowers
green metal garden shovel filled with brown soil
green metal garden shovel filled with brown soil
person showing green plant
person showing green plant
woman holding garden fork
woman holding garden fork
person holding green plant stem
person holding green plant stem

Join Us

Together, we can transform Frankfurt Oder into a vibrant, resilient, and harmonious environment. Let's grow a greener future, one seed at a time!